Lush Places: a game of two halves
The bunting has disappeared from Lush Places, apart from the Union Jack above the shop and two hopeful-looking St George’s crosses either side of our bedroom windows.
Mr Grigg is on top form as a lunatic football fanatic: devastated when his second team (Greece) were knocked out last night by Argentina and hoping against hope that England will put their best feet forward in this afternoon’s match against Slovenia.
For the benefit of those who neither understand the game nor care, today’s match is crucial. Winning it means England qualify to be knocked out in the next round instead of getting it over and done with and knocked out now.
To be honest with you, I’m of the ‘don’t care’ variety, although it would be good to have the buzz of winning in our ears instead of those damned vuvuzelas. I remember 1966 with a warm glow. Geoff Hurst was my pin-up and those pink and yellow flying saucers were my favourite food.
I was only four at the time.
Yes, it would be nice for the England team to defy the odds and live to emerge from the tunnel another day, skipping hand-in-hand with their coach.
But I can’t helping thinking the coalition would seize upon it as yet another victory for the ConDems.
No, surely not.
Hush my mouth before Mr Grigg tapes a St George’s cross over it.
Come on Inger-land!
One Response to “Lush Places: a game of two halves”
Wish granted
4 at the time you say? Well that makes you a mere whipper snapper in my book. You wish for a joyous day has been granted with a 1-0 victory for the home 11. As you say, chances are the trip home will come sooner than we hope and maybe a second class seat to boot
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